pechopetral "CLASSIC BRIDGE"

Marca: Ikonic Saddlery Ref. B101

160.00 160.00

Todos los artigos están sujetos a fin de existencias.

High quality vegetal leather with 3 attachment points.
The soft leather offers more comfort to the horse.
It prevents the saddle from moving backwards, thanks to the lateral attachment points which are fastened at the skirts of the saddle, and to the ventral buckle that is fixed to the girth.
The removable martingal attachment can also prevent the horse from moving its head up.


High quality vegetal leather with 3 attachment points.
The soft leather offers more comfort to the horse.
It prevents the saddle from moving backwards, thanks to the lateral attachment points which are fastened at the skirts of the saddle, and to the ventral buckle that is fixed to the girth.
The removable martingal attachment can also prevent the horse from moving its head up.

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